Placebo Alben

Placebo Without You I'm Nothing Black Market Music Sleeping With Ghosts Once More With Feeling - Singles 1996-2004 Meds Placebo: 10th Anniversary Collectors Edition Battle For The Sun
  Titel Veröffentlichung
Album Placebo 17. Juli 1996
Album Without You I'm Nothing 12. Oktober 1998
Album Black Market Music 9. Oktober 2000
Album Sleeping With Ghosts 22. September 2003
Album Once More With Feeling
- Singles 1996-2004
25. Oktober 2004
Album Meds 10. März 2006
Album Placebo: 10th Anniversary
Collectors Edition
21. September 2006
Album Battle For The Sun 8. Juni 2009

| Alben | Singles | DVDs | Soundtracks |